Thursday, April 5, 2012

Year of the Rabbit!!

When ever I can I try to help out friends and family with their projects by volunteering my services. Last year a few good friends of mine started a band called Year of the Rabbit. Here is a couple pieces of art I've created to help promote and brand their band. "Year of the Rabbit is something different altogether: introspective and atmospheric, like fellow Portlanders Lovers minus the danceability and plus the dreamy experimentalism of Blonde Redhead." - Matthew Singer, Willamette Weekly 
You can check out their music here:

Blurble on Kickstarter, half way there!

Blurble, a new, fun word association card game I have been working on is ready to launch! We are currently up on Kickstarter, an online platform that features all types of projects trying to get launched into the larger market.
Check out this link to learn more about supporting this awesome game that features a lot of cool art!